Hence To make quiescent put at rest or into abeyance stop the activity of: as, to silence one's conscience. Inject with NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below and every time we find a new solution for this clue we add it on the answers list.To restrain from speech about something cause or induce to be silent on a particular subject or class of subjects make silent or speechless, as by restraint of privilege or license, or by unanswerable argument.We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

Absence of mention: as, the silence of Scripture (on a particular subject) oblivion obscurity. Absence of sound or noise general stillness within the range or the power of hearing: as, the silence of midnight the silence of the tomb. ‘The 'radio silence' of being without a home phone, let alone the ubiquitous cell phone, is startling.’ ‘Breaking radio silence, Brenda slipped me a piece of paper with murmured instructions to swallow it.’ ‘Contenders are raising funds and canvassing support while maintaining complete radio silence. WQHT is a commercial radio station which broadcasts an urban contemporary format. The state of being or keeping silent forbearance or restraint of sound abstinence from speech or other noise muteness reticence: as, to listen in silence the chairman rapped for silence.